
Sale price Price $18.99 Regular price

Freedom isn't free. All Vets and currently serving members understand this as well as their families. Yet, it's a cost we all agreed to when we first signed our names and took our oaths.

Likewise, there are times when an investment in methods, quality, and sustainability are worth their weight in the return. Such is the case with this brew from Tanzania.

This newly arrived coffee comes to us from the family owned farms of the Southern highlands of Mbeya, Tanzania. Acquiring these beans costs more, but by paying premium prices we are able to directly encourage practices that continue to sustain and provide this very high quality coffee.


Certification/Grading: AB

Roast: Medium-light

Tasting Profile: Pear, floral, jasmine, strawberry.

Grower: Small cooperative farmers in the Mbeya area

Variety: Bourbon & Kent

Region: Mbeya Region of Tanzania

Altitude: 3930-6230 Feet

Soil Type: Clay Minerals

Process: Fully washed and dried on raised beds